About Me


Hanzhi Zhang is currently pursuing her PhD directed by Dr. Yunhe Feng in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at the University of North Texas (UNT), Denton, TX. Her academic journey is driven by a profound interest in exploring the ethical dimensions and cognitive behaviors of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Her research primarily focuses on Responsible AI, delving into the intricacies of AI Hallucination as well as investigating both Large and Small Language Models. Her work aims to forge a path towards more accountable and transparent AI systems.


Before her doctoral journey at UNT, Hanzhi Zhang honed her skills in the tech industry, serving as a storage backend engineer for six months. She completed her Master’s degree with distinction in Data Science from the University of Birmingham, where she led pioneering projects. Her work included using machine learning and deep learning techniques to predict car accidents within VANETs, an edge computing framework; investigating economic determinants impacting cryptocurrency prices using blockchain data; and architecting a robust data vault model. Prior to this, she earned her Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Technology (Honors) from Xiamen University Malaysia Campus, where she explored sentiment analysis through the application of Bidirectional Long Short Term Memory algorithms.


Programming Languages: Proficient in a wide array of programming languages including Python, C, C++, Golang, Shell, SQL, and Rust, Hanzhi Zhang commands a diverse and powerful toolkit for software development and data analysis.

Software & Tools: Her technical environment is anchored by Linux, supplemented by extensive use of Docker for containerization, Git for version control, and both Cmake and Makefile for building software projects.

Frameworks & Libraries: Hanzhi is adept in utilizing cutting-edge frameworks and libraries such as PyTorch and TensorFlow for machine learning, OpenCV for computer vision tasks, and Django for web development.

Databases: Her database management skills are robust, with proficiency in both MySQL and PostgreSQL, enabling her to handle complex data architectures effectively.

Hanzhi’s workflow is characterized by high efficiency and an exceptional ability to manage parallel tasks, which enhances her productivity and the quality of her projects.


Hanzhi Zhang’s personality, as an ENTP-A, is defined by her insatiable curiosity and robust intellectual flexibility. She revels in intellectual challenges and is the quintessential devil’s advocate, skillfully deconstructing arguments and occasionally challenging her own beliefs by exploring alternative viewpoints.

Hanzhi pursues an intriguing blend of interests. She delves into the mystical realms of tarot and astrology, using them as unique tools to influence decisions in programming and research. She also enjoys unraveling the latest gossip and embarks on quests to locate lost items.

Her cultural appetites are satiated by frequent visits to musicals, dramas, museums, galleries, and exhibitions, which enrich her understanding of diverse perspectives.

Photography is another passion of hers, which she humorously describes as a sport. This hobby sees her traversing mountains, laden with heavy gear, tirelessly capturing moments through day and night—an endurance exercise that combines her love for nature and artistry.
